Notice of Newly Enacted Ordinance – R-GS district


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Fulton enacted Ordinance No. 2016-2, an Ordinance Renumbering Section 425-3-1A (6)(14) and Creating Section 425-3-1A (6), Amending Sections 425-3-1B, D, E, G, J(1)(e), Creating Section 425-3-3O, Amending Sections 425-4-2B(2)(b) and C(1) and Amending Town of Fulton Appendix A, Town of Fulton-Permitted and Conditional Uses (6) and (7) 4., of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Fulton on June 14, 2016. The Ordinance creates the Residential-General Sewered (R-GS) Zoning District and amends other provisions of the zoning ordinance of the Town of Fulton to accommodate the creation of the R-GS Zoning District.

The full text of Ordinance No. 2016-2 may be obtained from the Town of Fulton Town Clerk-Treasurer’s office, 2738 W. Fulton Center Dr., Edgerton, WI and through the Town’s website at  Clerk-Treasurer’s phone: 608-868-4103.