Outdoor Warning System-Siren Testing – July 11, 2018 @ 12:05 PM

Advisory: NEWS RELEASE: Outdoor Warning System: Siren Testing – Postponed until July 11, 2018

Contact Person: Sergeant Shena Kohler (608) 758-8440
Date : 07/02/2018

The testing of the Outdoor Warning Siren System will be postponed until Wednesday, July 11 at 12:05 pm. The test signal will be 1 – 2 minutes in duration. Please tune in to your local radio stations or weather radios for all weather related information and instructions when the sirens are sounded.

In the event of an actual tornado warning, the sirens sound steadily for three to five minutes. This lengthy alert tone will indicate that citizens should immediately take shelter and tune in to local broadcasting stations or weather radios for further information.

Test Signal vs. Tornado Warning
· Test Signal: Steady tone lasting 1 – 2 minutes
· Tornado Warning: Steady tone lasting 3 – 5 minutes

Citizens are reminded that they should not call the Rock County 911 Communications Center or local radio stations for weather information. If cit izens find that the siren in their area is not working properly, please contact the Rock County Sheriff’s Office – Emergency Management Bureau at 608-758-8440. For further information on the Outdoor Warning System, please visit http://www.co.rock.wi.us/emergency-management-alerts-warnin….

By: Sgt. Shena Kohler #11519
Emergency Management

For full details, view this message on the web.