Volunteers Wanted to come and participate in our Mock Election on Tuesday Dec. 17, 2019 from 10 am – 1 pm

The Town of Fulton has been asked by Microsoft and the Wisconsin Elections Commission to test new technology, called ElectionGuard in a real election.  At the November 12, 2019 town board meeting, the board approved participating in the pilot for our Feburary 18th, 2020 election. 

 What does this mean for you?  We will be having a Mock Election on Tuesday December 17th, 2019 from approximately 10 am – 1 pm.  We need people to come and vote in this Mock Election, using the ElectionGuard equipment.  



We will be using ElectionGuard ONLY in the February 20, 2020 Spring Primary Election.  We will have our regular equipment set and ready to go should ElectionGuard have any issues. 


 This Mock Election will help us prepare for the February Election.  You DO NOT have to be a Town of Fulton resident to participate in this Mock Election.