Absentee Ballots

Due to a Federal Court Order:

The deadline for the receipt of absentee ballots is extended to 4:00 pm on Monday, April 13, 2020.  When you receive your ballot in the mail, please mail it back as soon as possible, or drop in the drop box at the Town Hall.  

The deadline to request an absentee ballot is Friday, April 3rd @ 5 PM.  www.myvote.wi.gov is the link to click on to do this.  You will need to check the box that says you request an absentee ballot for “All elections from today’s date through the end of the current calendar year (ending 12/31)

Also, a witness signature on the absentee ballot certificate envelope is not required if an absentee voter provides a written affirmation or other statement that they were unable to safely obtain a witness certification despite reasonable attempts to do so.  Include this written statement with your ballot in the envelope.