Notice of Public Hearing

Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Fulton Town Hall
2738 W. Fulton Center Drive, Edgerton

Please take notice that a public hearing will be held at the Fulton Town Hall, 2738 W Fulton Center Dr., Edgerton, WI at 6:00 pm to consider a zoning change. 

Application of Richard B. & Vicky Fink are seeking a land division and rezone of parcel 6-6-378.3, currently 7.38 acres and zoned R-RL (Residential-Rural Density Large) to create proposed Lot 1 (1.0 acre)

Applicant is seeking a rezone on proposed Lot 1 from R-RL to R-RS (Residential-Rural Density Small) so that in the future a new residence could be built on the lot.

Any person interested and/or affected by this change will be given a chance to express their opinion at this time. The Town Board will hold a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Committee on Tuesday, August 16th, 2022 @ 6:00 p.m.  Following the recommendation by the Planning & Zoning Committee the Town Board will take action on this request.


This notice will be mailed to property owners within 1000 feet.