Garbage and Recycling Info
Town Services
The PSC has maps that allow you to determine what utility or phone company serves your given area. Click on this link to look up what utility serves your area:
David Geraths – (608) 697-7776/cell
General Engineering Company/Building Inspection Division
Town Election
At that website you can: Register to Vote; Submit an Absentee Request, Change Your Address, Check Your Voter Information.
Or, you may:
Stop by the Town office during normal business hours to fill out a voter registration form, or download it from our “Election Information” section of the website. For purposes of voter registration, a form of identification constitutes acceptable proof of residence if it includes:
1. A current and complete name, including both the given and family name; and
2. A current and complete residential address, including a numbered street address, if any, and the name of a municipality. PROOF OF RESIDENCE The following constitute acceptable Proof-of-Residence if the document contains the information specified above:
1. A Wisconsin motor vehicle operator’s license.
2. A Wisconsin identification card.
3. Any other official identification card or license issued by a Wisconsin governmental body or unit or by an employer in the normal course of business, but not including a business card.
4. A credit card or plate.
5. A library card.
6. A check-cashing or courtesy card issued by a merchant in the normal course of business.
7. A real estate tax bill or receipt for the current year or the year preceding the date of the election.
8. A residential lease which is effective for a period that includes election day.
9. A university, college or technical institute fee card.
10. A university, college or technical institute identification card.
11. An airplane pilot’s license.
12. A gas, electric or telephone service statement for the period commencing not earlier than 90 days before election day.